Tuesday, November 29, 2016

 Linseed is a bushy annual plant, with erect, slender stems that grows up to 30 cm in height. It has alternate, stalkless leaves and blue flowers in loose clusters. The fruits are roundish and 10 celled. Each cell contains one seed which is oval, smooth, shining and usually brown colored. Linseed is one of the first crops to be cultivated for its oil bark fiber and flax.

Linseed contain moisture 6.5 percent, protein 20.3 percent, fat 37.1 percent, minerals 2.4 percent, fiber 4.8 percent and carbohydrates 28.9 percent per 100 grams of edible portion. Its mineral and vitamin contents a calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Its calorific value is 530. Linseed contains substantial amount of oil. This oil is a good source of linoleic acid. It contains linoleic and linolenic acids.  

Image result for product of tisi seed  Image result for linseed plant diagram

Health Benefits of Linseed

Below are some of the medicinal properties of linseed:

- The seeds are useful in the treatment of gonorrhea, irritations of the genitor urinary organs, nephritis and cystitis, provided taken in the form of tea repetitively.

- The seeds are valuable in the treatment of respiratory diseases besides being a useful remedy for
 colds, coughs, sore chest, throat and pulmonary complaints. Linseed tea or infusion can be given repeatedly in one glass doses. For cough and colds, the tea is given with honey. An infusion made by soaking 30 grams of the powdered seeds overnight in a glass of water can be given with lime juice in tuberculosis with beneficial results.
- A hot poultice of the seeds is an effective home remedy for skin diseases like
 boils, abscesses and carbuncles. An equal part of linseed oil and lime water mixed together is an effective remedy for burns, scalds and skin diseases like eczema and herpes. Its oil is also used for removing blemishes from the face.
- One or two teaspoons of seeds with water can treat constipation.

- A loose poultice of the seeds can be applied with excellent results in chest troubles and diseases like pneumonia,
 bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia and pleurisy. The counter irritant effect of the poultice can be enhanced by dusting mustard powder over it.

Product of linseed

   Shilajit ES  Diabetes Supplement
Scientific  name: linum usitatissimum
Nepali name:alas
Hindi name: alsi


 Presented By: Jasmin Thapa (8 A)
A Research On Barro   
# Introduction:
                                              Local Name: Barro
                                                           Common Name: Behda/Beleric Myrobalan
Ø       Throughout the year
Ø       Altitude: upto 1000m
Ø       Tree’s max.height: 30m
Ø       Found in Lamjung and Dhading districts                  specially in Nepal.
Natural Ingredients: Flavonoids, Phenolic contents, tannins, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, chebulagic acid.
Part of plant as a herb: Fruit
Direct uses:                   
Direct consumption is very harmful. So, it has to be first processed and consumed for the following uses.
·                    Mixing the Barro seeds with water can act as a brain tonic.
·                    With the consumption it acts as an Appetizer.
·                    It cures Anemia, Constipation, Indigestion and Spermatorrhea.
·                    It promotes hair growth and makes hair shiny with no side effects.

Indirect Uses:
·                    It is used to combine and form Triphala used in Chyavanprash for its better use.
·                    It is mixed to make Bibhitaki powder to be benefitted from many other ayurvedic plants.
·                    It is used in cosmetic products for the external use.
·                    Harro is used in the clinical medicines combined with the chemicals.

# Method of preparing
Washing and Cleaning – Terminalia belerica should strip off the stem manually as soon as it is harvested , from removal of soil and stones can be done by handpicking or by sieving. Use clean, underground running water for washing.
» Shading & Drying
After water is drained the products are spread out in a single layer on Jumbo Stainless steel trays using aerated drying and make it dry inside industrial premises. Inside the shade it is exposed to good ventilation to help rapid drying. 

Dried products are made into powder using several pulverizer inside same premises. Once the dried products have been converted into a powder using pulverize internal filters. Custom fine powder is graded using these pulverizing. The standard powder grade is 80 MESH.

» Packaging
 Packing is made by hand using packaging machines inside our own premises. Companies offer HDPE barrel packing with chrome clamp in all sizes as well as using quality carton boxes.
 Product Treatment
As a product treatment additional option companies give customer like Gamma Radiation, ETO Sterilization & Steam Sterilization for  products.
These  products  treatment service units has been certified by NSF ISR for ISO 9001 & 13485 Quality Management Systems with compliance to EN 552 & ISO 11137.
» Quality Assurance
For product quality assurance on checking the quality of natural herbs,  ensure the supply of high quality product. Once a batch product has been produced as a finished product, then send it to the Quality assurance labs which do the Microbiology Analysis  for Yeast and Mold Count, Coli form etc.

Warehouse Storage
Final products are always stored in air-tight containers protected from heat, humidity and light to prevent growth of molds or mildews.  The companies don’t store final products more than a month, since we have resources throughout the year.
» Shipping – The company offers one of the best shipping rates for all major destinations of the world. They have direct tie-ups with major shipping lines and reputed Clearing House agents.

# Processing/Packaging and marketing
Provided seeds are available in numerous packaging options for  precious clients at nominal prices. Offered Barro seeds are cleaned and processed under the most hygienic conditions at modern processing unit. The barro seeds are packed and are manufactured by the company producing Triphala.
# Feedback:
The web bloggers and the web sites should have the more analytical survey on the packaging and marketing of Barro. Further the medical research should approve new products out of Barro for its productivity. These herbs should be promoted and used as an alternative source as substitution of medicines.
This medical herb should be fascinated and we must contribute for its better production. Hoping  for more comments and views. Thanks for stopping byJ J

Presented By:  Shraddha Bhandari ( 8 A)

Dita-Bark Tree

The Alstonia scholaris is a glaborus tree and grows up to 40 m (130 ft) tall. Its mature bark is grayish and its young branches are copiously marked with lenticels
The upper side of the leaves are glossy, while the underside is greyish. Leaves occur in whorls of three to ten; petioles are 1–3 cm (0.39–1.18 in); the leathery leaves are narrowly obovate to very narrowly spathulate base cuneate, apex usually rounded; lateral veins occur in 25 to 50 pairs, at 80-90° to mid vein. Flowers bloom in the month October. 

Scientific name: Alstonia scholaris
English name: Dita-Bark Tree
Indian name: Saptarna Chal
Common Names: Chatian (Hindi), Chhatim (Bengali), Dita (Tagalong), Dita Tree, Maddale (Kannada), Milky Pine, Pala, Saptaparna (Sanskrit, ‘seven-leaved’), Satvin, Shaitan (Arabic, ‘devil’), Yaksippala

Alstonia scholaris is native to the following regions:
  • China: Guangxi  Yunnan
  • Indian Sub-continent: India; Nepal; Sri Lanka; Pakistan; Bangladesh
  • Southeast Asia: Cambodia; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam, Indonesia; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea; Phillipines
  • Australia: Queensland
It has also been naturalized in several other tropical and subtropical climates.
Alstonia scholaris (Saptaparni in Bengali) is declared as the State Tree of West Bengal, India.

The bark contains the alkaloids, ditamine, echitenine, and strict amine.


There are a lot of uses of Dita-Bark Tree. Some of them are:

The wood of Alstonia scholaris has been recommended for the manufacture of pencils, as it is suitable in nature and the tree grows rapidly and is easy to cultivate. In Sri Lanka its light wood is used for coffins. In Borneo the wood close to the root is very light and of white color, and is used for net floats, household utensils, trenchers, corks, etc.In Theravada Buddhism, Lord Buddha is said to have used Alstonia scholaris as the tree for achieving enlightenment.

Traditional Uses

 Since ancient times, the Alstonia scholars tree has been used to make paper in India and other parts of South Asia. The wood has also been made in to writing tablets (Miller 1985). These things help to explain the name of the species, scholaris, and show the strong connection that this plant has with written language and scholarship. In India, many tribal peoples believe that the dita tree is evil and avoid it completely. They say that the tree is inhabited by an evil spirit who will possess any individual who dares walk or sleep beneath it. This spirit is also said to kill any individual who chooses to sleep beneath its branches. Thanks to this belief, dita trees have been spared much of the destruction that has faced other species of tree in India.
Richard Alan Miller states that the seeds of the dita tree were used in Tantric sexual rituals in order to assist males in prolonging erection and delaying orgasm. However, little more information on this topic is available. Tantric practitioners often write magical mantras on pieces of dita tree bark and wear them as amulets (Miller 1985).
In Australia, Aboriginal peoples use the latex of the dita tree to attach ceremonial raiments to the skin for rituals. However, it is unclear whether they are aware of any psychoactive properties of the plant, or whether they utilize them (Pearson 1992 cited in Ratsch 1998, 49). It is possible that small quantities of active alkaloids are absorbed through the skin after a period of prolonged contact, leading to mild psychoactive effects during the ceremonial experience.

Medicinal Use

The bark of the dita tree is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat fever, malaria, troubles in digestion, tumors, ulcers, asthma, and so forth. The leaves and the latex are applied externally to treat tumors. The bark and roots are boiled with rice and eaten by girls daily for several weeks to treat excessive vaginal discharge. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the dried leaves of the dita tree are used as an expectorant. Members of the Alstonia genus are used around the world to treat malaria (Voogelbreinder 2009, 77


Traditional Preparation: 

The seeds are the most potently psychoactive part of the dita tree, although many parts of the plant are medicinal. To prepare the seeds, 2 grams may be crushed and soaked in water overnight. The next day, the seed matter is filtered out and the liquid is consumed. To make a stronger brew, the seeds are soaked in boiling water. In order to appreciate the aphrodisiac properties of the plant, a dosage of 3 grams of seeds is good to start with. If this does not prove effective, the dosage may slowly be increased until the desired effects are achieved. Dosages may vary widely from individual to individual, so it is always best to start low and work up (Miller 1985).

Medicinal Preparation:

1 part in 20 for B.P. infusion, 1/2 to 1 fluid ounce; 1 part in 8 Alcohol Tinc., B.P., 1/2 to 1 fluid drachm. Dose, 2 to 4 grains.


The seeds of the dita tree contain  alkaloids, which are known to be psychoactive. The bark also contains several alkaloids, including ditamine and echitamine.  The Malaysian species A. angustifolia is also known to contain yohimbine, a well known aphrodisiac. The bark of the dita tree is said to have pronounced aphrodisiac effects.  One of the indole alkaloids contained in the seeds, known as alstovenine, is also an inhibitor, which allows for the psychoactive effects of the seeds when taken orally. Dita tree seeds are said to help men to maintain an erection and to delay orgasm during intercourse (Miller 1985). The alkaloid echitamine, found in the bark, is said to kill malaria, although it is significantly less effective than quinine in this matter, and this property has never been demonstrated in Western style medical studies 

Therefore, Dita-Bark Tree is really advantageous to us as it cures different disorders and diseases as well as used to produce stationary goods like pencils. It also has a great and significant traditional use.
Please comment and leave your reply at 
-Krishna Kumar Ram
and Uranus Adhikari

Monday, November 28, 2016


                       Introduction to Medicinal Herbs

   Medicinal herbs are plants that are used for medicinal purposes. Other types of herbs include culinary herbs, used to flavor food, and aromatic herbs, used to add fragrance. Medicinal herbs cover a wide range of types of plants. They can be annuals or perennials; woodly or herbaceous; sun loving or shade requiring.


Jujube is a small deciduous tree or shrub reaching a height of 5-12 metres(16-39 ft), usually with thorny branches, the leaves are shiny-green, ovate-acute, 2-7 centimetres(0.79-2.76 in) wide and 1-3 centimetres (0.39-1.18 in) broad, with three conspicuous veins at the base, and a finely toothed margin.

                     Local Name: Bayar
                     Common Name: Jujube
                     Scientific Name: Ziziphus Mauritiana
                     Indian Name: Ber


      Which part of Nepal (available)

Jujube is mostly found i Terai and Hilly region.


       Medicinal Use

The fruit and its seeds are used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine, where they are believed to alleviate stress, and traditionally for anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory purposes and sedation, antispastic etc properties.



Jujube and its seeds are commonly used in Chinese medicine to treat common sleep troubles like insomnia. Jujube fruit and jujube seeds contain compounds known as flavonoids, saponins and polysaccharides. Studies have shown that its jujube's high saponin content that gives it the ability to act as a natural sedative andhave a soothing effect on the entire nervous system.

       Methods of preparation

The seed of jujube is taken as a medicine. Firstly, we take out the seed of jujube. Then we will wash it properly. Then we will dry it for few days. Then we grind it and have it as a medicine.


        Processing, Packing and Marketing

Some clinical medicines of jujube are made in the factory through long process. It is prepared using big machines. After they becomes ready they will be packed in plastics or bottles. Then the items will come in the market when the owner of the related item will deal with district dealer, wholesaler and retailer.


   i.  Complete your opinion

I think jujube is really a helpful and healthy fruit. It helps to keep away the diseases related to stomach.

ii.  Suggestion

I heartly thanks Amit Sir for giving us such a good work to do. I knew what was bayar but I didn't knew much information about bayar. But because of this project I am able to learn many things about bayar.

iii. Feedback

I request Amit Sir to support us this way and give us such a interesting projects to do. This project really helped meto learn many things about Bayar.

     Name: Purnika Koirala
     Class: 8 'A'
     Roll no: 27
     Subject: OBTE                  

Chebulic myrobalan


Localname  :    Harro                                                               

Indian name      : Harad

English name    : Chebulic myrobalan

Scientific name : Terminalia chebula



            Terminalia chebula is a medium-sized deciduous tree reaching up to 25 m in height, often with a short, cylindrical bole of 5-10 m in length and 60-80 cm in diameter, dark brown bark and a rounded crown with spreading branches.

The fruit is drupe-like, 2-4.5 cm long and 1.2-2.5 cm broad, blackish, with five longitudinal ridges. The dull white to yellow flowers are monoecious, and have a strong, unpleasant scent. They are carried by terminal spikes or short panicles. The fruits are smooth ellipsoid to ovoid drupes, yellow to orange-brown in color, with a single angled stone.

Fresh Fruit Chebulic Myrobalan
Flower of Chebulic Myrobalan

Availability (Altitude)

Terminalia chebula is found throughout South East Asia. It is found in the countries like India, Sri-Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, China and Thailand.

They are specially found in the dry slopes in an altitude of approximately 900m (3000 feet) in elevation.

In India it is found in the Sub Himalayan tracks from Ravi eastwards to West Bengal and Assam, ascending up to the altitude of 1500m in the Himalayas.

In Nepal, it grows in tropical and sub-tropical forests up to the height of 1500.

Composition (Natural Ingredients)

A number of glycosides have been isolated from Harro, including the Triterpenes arjunglucoside I, Arjungenin, and the Chebulosides I and II. Other constituents include a Coumarin conjugated with gallic acids called chebulin, as well as other phenolic compounds including ellagic acid, 2,4-chebulyl-β-D-glucopyranose, chebulinic acid, gallic acid, ethyl gallate, punicalagin, terflavin A, terchebin, luteolin, and tannic acid. Chebulic acid is a phenolic acid compound isolated from the ripe fruits. Luteic acid can be isolated from the bark. Chebula also contains Terflavin B, a type of tannin, while chebulinic acid is found in the fruits.


The fruits are rich in tannin and are used in the leather industry. A dye can be prepared from the fruits. The fruits also have numerous medicinal properties. The wood is used as construction timber and for furniture, carts and implements, but is not of much value.

Some of its uses in the medicinal field are given below:

  • Chewing the Harro’s fruit causes increase in digestion power.
  • If it is made into a paste and eaten, it clears and cleanses intestines.
  • If it is steamed or boiled, it becomes absorbent, useful in malabsorption syndrome (abnormality in absorption of food nutrients across the stomach).
  • If it is fried and used, it is useful in Tridosha (Responsible for all Movement in the Body) imbalance conditions.
  • If Harro is taken after food, it helps to eliminate all the toxic effects due to food poisoning.
  • If it is taken along with salt, it balances Kapha (Principle that holds the cells together and forms the muscle, fat and bone).
  • If taken with sugar, it balances Pitta and if taken with ghee, it balances Vata disorders.
  • Intravaginally, Terminalia chebula is used as a douche for treating vaginal infections.

Use of Harro in hemorrhoids (are swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus)

Harro helps to ease bowel movement, one of the complications in hemorrhoids. It helps in reducing the pile mass and reducing / stopping the bleeding. A bath with – 2 tablespoons of Harro, in half a bucket of water, for 10 minutes, before bath, is useful in reducing the swelling and healing.   

Medicine use for digestive care which includes
Chebulic Myrobalan



  • Though there are a few nutritive health benefits, Harro is more of cleansing, moisture absorbing, weight reducing in nature. Hence it is advised to avoid during pregnancy.
  • In most of the contra indications explained above all have dryness and lack of water supply. So, harro, already being harsh, is not advisable because it may further contribute to dryness.
  • Harro is best avoided in infants, up to 5 years of age. It should be given under medical supervision in children.
  • Single herb usage of Harro is contra indicated in lactating mother. It may decrease breast milk production.


Detoxification & Rejuvenation for Vata

  1. Removes excess vata from the system
  2. Assists natural internal cleansing
  3. Supports healthy elimination and maintains regularity
  4. Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues

As one of the three ingredients in the Ayurvedic super formula Triphala, Harro is considered to be one of the best herbs for balancing vata dosha. Supporting the body's natural cleansing process, it gently removes accumulated natural toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. As rejuvenate, it strengthens and nourishes the tissues and supports the proper function of the colon, lungs, liver, and spleen. Harro is traditionally used to address all vata-related imbalances. It maintains regular elimination, helps promote healthy body mass, and supports comfortable and complete digestion. Harro is believed to increase energy, intelligence, and awareness.

Method of Preparation

This medicine is found in both tablet and powder form. This tablet especially preferred by the hemorrhoids patient. Its making process is given below:

  1. Mainly the fruit part is taken and turned into the powder form by mixing other necessary elements.
  2. The fruit either boiled or easily turned into powder form.  
  3. After that, if needed to turn into some tablets, the same powder is gone through some processing and made tablet out of it.
  4. It is sent for packaging then.
    (It is either found in bottle or in plastic as a form of packaging.)  

    This medicinal herb and its demand is increasing generally in Indian market, I couldn’t find its high demand in Nepali market. Though, organic farms in Nepal participates to protect this valuable medicinal plant for generations and planted some in farm.


This medicinal plant could be used instead of the various clinical medicine. It is useful and cheap in some cases than the other medicines. The critics have responded positively on this medicinal herb. If publicized well in Nepali market it can have higher demands in Nepal too. It can establish herbal industries on Harro focusing on digestive care and hemorrhoids. This can benefit the economy of Nepal. Nepal can fully  be benefited from this plant economically.

Hope you find this useful.  I welcome any constructive suggestions and feedbacks from you.