Sunday, November 27, 2016


Chobchini is a thorny shrub, with sparsely prickled or unarmed stems, branchlet slender, smoothand terete ;leaves elliptic, cunneate or acuminate. In Chinese it means stick. So it is called stick brought from china. It is commonly known by th name “China root” belonging to the lilinaceae family. It’s scientific name is “Similax china Linn” also known as ”Chobchini” by the locals. This plant is indigenous to China and Japan. The plant also grows in the eastern Himalayas and in Burma. The tuberous roots and rhizomes of the plant are carefully dug and cut off near the stock which is covered with soil again. The rhizome or the root/tuber is mostly used. But sometimes the whole palnt is used to make drugs. This plant has a lot of aurvedic properties. They are: guna:laghu, ruksha, veerya, katu, karma, shoolagini etc.
The rhizome of Chobchini can be used in the form of powder or paste, cooked or raw. The daily intake of the rhizome should not exceed 10 grams a day, as heavy dosage may result in nausea and vomiting. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid Chobchini formulations as it may affect their health.
  • Chopchini or China root is widely used in Ayurveda for its corrective working on the digestive system.
  • It is also considered to support the urinary system which helps in elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Chopchini is said to correct the metabolism, thus benefitting in metabolic disorders like weight gain, rheumatic conditions and others.
  • May support healthy digestive system.
  • May support healthy urinary system.
  • Chopchini is said to have anti-hyperuricaemic properties.
  • May support healthy kidney functions.

Method to use chobchini
Chopchini powder should be taken with honey and salt intake should be totally avoided during this period.
Leukorrhea or white discharge can be controlled effectively by taking Chobchini with milk. Take Chobchini rhizome from a herbal shop, powder it and keep it in a dry and clean bottle. Take 5 mg of Chobchini
powder,mix it in milk and drink it.
Chobchini powder is also prescribed as a general health tonic. Chobchini is bitter in taste. A little quantity of Chobchini power can be taken after meals to tone up the body system and purify the blood.
There are Chobchini formulations which serve as aphrodisiac, besides improving the sperm count.

Like every object or thing in the universe has disadvantage so does it,
The side effect it has is that overdose might cause nausea and volmiting. Also the people with diabetes have to take supervision of doctors because it contains sugar.
In nepal the demand of chobchini is gradually increasing. Online market and ayurvedic institution has been selling this medicine for a cheap price. This medicine is also packed and can be used according to doctors prescription.
In my thought chobchini is a fabulous herbal plant with absolutely no side effects at all. It is a medicine that breaks the law of universe that every thing has a disadvantage. In my thought it is a really useful plant.
If you have any question or want to know something that I have missed about this plant then let me know in the comments below. Or contact me in the given gmail:         nitinmaharjan1475369@gmail

 By:Nitin Maharjan

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