Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nardostachys Jatamansi

Nardostachys Jatamansi

Nardostachys Jatamansi is a flowering plant that grows in the Himalayas. It belongs to Honeysuckle family. It is also called Spikenard, Nard, Nardin or Muskroot. It grows in the belt of Himalayas of Kumaon, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan. It is normally 1m high. It is pink with bell shaped flowers. It lies in the attitude of 3000m-5000m.The oil of spikenard is one of the most expensive and effective oils.

Local names-Jatamansi, Sambul Nateeb.
The underground stems can be crushed to make essential oil used as perfume, incense and Herbal medicine. The herb encourages sweating making it useful in treating fevers and since it is stimulating and detoxifying, it is commonly used to treat the early stages of illness. Infusions and decoctions are used to treat colds and coughs and other such respiratory conditions as asthma, as well as for rheumatism. Applied externally as a poultice, it is used on a few different skin conditions, including eczema. This is the only part having medicinal values. It has many uses from medicinal to cosmetics. They are:

1.Used to prevent grey hair and make it dark.
2.It alleviates pain and swelling, prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal track.
3.The oil helps to relax and calm the body.
4.Root is used in production of essential oil.
5.Used to make perfume.
6.The root of the powder is used to treat intestinal worms.

Like every rose has its thorns, spikenard has its side effects. Some of them are:

1.Excess consumption leads to vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
2.Nausea in case of overdose.
3.Pregnant as well as lactating mothers should avoid it.

In Nepal, essential oil producers use wild-collected, dried, and crushed roots for steam distillation. Jatamansi oils and many other oils haven’t found a good market although developed country like Germany has seen Nepal as a potential new source. However, the relatively small scale of Nepalese essential oils production and high prices for some products complicate market entry for Nepalese exporters. The global market for spikenard oil is small in terms of volume. International trade usually comprises lots of only around 10-50 kg. In 2006, Nepal produced only an estimated 2 tons of Jatamansi. On the international market, competition for Nepalese spikenard oil exporters comes primarily from (re-) exporters in China, India, and France.

In this way, Spikenard is one of the most important medicinal plants of the world. Given a proper market, the Jatamansi oil can have a good impact on health of people. As a home to the plant that holds these many significance, Nepal should fully utilize this plant and make itself economically strong.
Thank you for reading. I hope you found this information useful. We would like to welcome constructive suggestions and feedbacks assuring you that it will find it’s place.
By-Alok Ghimire

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