Saturday, November 26, 2016

Rakta puspi

Starr 061223-2694 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.jpg

  • Botanical Name : Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
  • Family Name : Malvaceae
  • Common Name : Hibiscus Flower, Lipstick Flower, China Rose, Shoeback Plant, Kinaros, Aute.
  • Part Used : Leaves And Flowers.
  • Habitat : Commonly cultivated as a garden ornamental shrub from sea level to 500m.
  • Product offered : Leaves, Flower
It is mostly available in Asian region. It is found in tropical and sub-tropical climate. It is available in Rajbiraj, Sunsari, Siraha, Birgunj, etc. It's root, leaf and flower is used as medicinal herb. It is very sweet and cures the disease like Baldness, Anemia, Cancer, etc...

Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis helps in inducing abortion, provide treatment for headache. Young leaves are sometimes used as a spinach substitute. Flowers can also be made into a kind of pickle or used as a purple dye for colouring foods such as preserved fruits and cooked vegetables. Root is edible but very fibrousy. Its also good for hair treatment.„h The leaves and flowers are beaten into a paste and poulticed onto cancerous swellings and mumps. The leaves are anodyne, aperient, emollient and laxative. A decoction is used as a lotion in the treatment of fevers.

Uses( Direct):
1. It is used for baldness.
2. It is used for menstrual problems.
3. It is used for fever.
4. It is used for mumps.
5. It is used for Alopecia Areata.

Uses( Indirect):
1.  Herbal treatment for jaundice.
2. Herbal treatment for cough 41.
3. herbal treatment for Hair fall 8.
4. Herbal treatment for leuchorrhea 3.

Method of Preparation:

Preparing Hibiscus Iced tea

Image result for hibiscus iced tea1. Add hibiscus and water to pitcher. Once you have the right ingredients, making hibiscus iced tea is easy — it just takes a long time. Start by putting the hibiscus in a pitcher and pouring in water. Stir briefly to combine.
  • If you're using caffeinated tea bags, cinnamon sticks, lime wedges, or mint leaves in your tea, add them now as well.
Refrigerate overnight. Cold water takes a long time to absorb flavor from other ingredients, so you'll need to let your tea steep for at least 8 to 12 hours. Keep it cool in the fridge while it slowly picks up the flavor and color of the hibiscus.
  • Cover the tea with foil or plastic wrap to protect it from drips and crumbs.
Strain and serve over ice. When the tea has gained a satisfying flavor and color, remove it from the fridge. Fill cups with ice and pour the tea through a strainer or paper filter to remove the flowers and whatever other ingredients you added. Your iced tea is now ready to enjoy!
  • For presentation, you can re-garnish each glass with cinnamon, lime, etc. if you wish.
To sweeten, add simple syrup. You can sweeten iced tea with sugar, honey, etc., but this doesn't work very well because cold water doesn't dissolve solids very quickly. A better idea is to use simple syrup, which can sweeten the tea right away because it is liquid. See our guide to making this sweetener for detailed instructions.
  • To make simple syrup, just heat equal parts water and sugar in a pan on the stove. Stir well to combine. When the sugar has completely dissolved, you have simple syrup. Continuing to heat the syrup past this point will make it thicker. Eventually, it will turn into caramel, which you probably don't want.
  • 1 cup of simple syrup (made from 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar) will make the tea quite sweet. 1/4 or 1/3 cup will give a much more mild sweetness.
    • Side Effects:
  1. Hibiscus extracts have total cholesterol and triglyceride lowering activities.
  2. Hibiscus extracts showed effects on glycogen content
  3. Hibiscus flower extracts may have anti-fertility properties
  4. Hibiscus extracts showed benefits on diabetic rats
There are no known interactions between hibiscus and standard pharmaceutical preparations. Because it is a tart plant, however, it may not mix harmoniously with other tannic herbs. Mint leaves or rose hips are good to blend with hibiscus.
It is very good medicinal herb which can cure many diseases.
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