Saturday, December 10, 2016

Argremone Mexicana Linn

Argremone Mexicana Linn
      Mexican Thorn poppyको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम              
Introduction of the herb:
Common names:
Prickly poppy, Mexican Thorn poppy, Mexican Thistle, Amapolas del camp, Bermuda Thistle, Cardo Santo, Satyansi, Shate, Svarnasiri, Yellow Thistle, Zeba Dragon
Uses of herbs
The Seri tribe of the northern Mexico use a tea made from the leaves of Argemone Mexicana to treat kidney pains. This tea is also said to dispel bad blood that accumulates during birth. The Pima also use such a tea to treat kidney and bladder troubles. The Yucatec use the plant to treat gallbladder.
In Peru, a plaster is made from Argemone Mexicana and used to remove warts and to treat sleep disorders. A tea made from the leaves is also used to treat asthma. In india, the latex is combined with the cumin and oil and made into a paste which is used to treat skin diseases and flesh worms. In Africa, the leaves are utilized for their sedative and tranquilzing effects.
Method of preparation
The leaves of the herb are typically smoked or made into a tea which is taken with an accompanying cigarette, much as in the way which Calea zacatechichi, the famous Dreaming Herb, is used. The seeds have been ground and added to smoking mixtures as well, not only as a potentiator, but for their own distinct effects. When available, the latex is also smoked, just like many other plant resins. A.mexicana is typically regarded as a sedative, but its visionary and psychoactive properties are just recently being explored.
A.Mexicana is only recently coming in to the spotlight as a medicinal herb and teacher plant, and there is much laboratory and personal research that gets to be done to explore and verify what is mostly anecdotal evidence regarding the effects of this plant.
Therefore , Argremon Mexicana Linn  advantageous to us as it cures different disorders and diseases as well as used to produce various products.And I would like to thank Mr. Amit Sijapati to provide me a golden opportunity to perform this activity J
   -Musicca Karki

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