Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Costus is a group of perennial herbaceous plants in the family (Costaceae) described by Linnaeus as a genus in 1753. It is widespread through tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, an the Americas.
Costus is often characterized and distinguished from relatives such as  zingiber (true ginger) by its spiraling stems. The genus as a whole is thus often called spiral gingers, but this can also refer to barbatus  specifically.
Costus pulverulentus at Rara AvisCosta Rica
 Costus Spectailis is the floral emblem of Nigeria its flowers are represented (erroneously in red instead of yellow color) on its coat of arms. It is important not to confuse Costus speciosus, spectabilis etc. with the herb known by the common name "costus". Some species are of importance to herbivores, such as caterpillars of the restricted demon  which feed on Costus speciosus (crêpe ginger). The crêpe ginger is also a source of diosgenin, a compound used for the commercial production of various steroids, such as progesterone. In Trinidad and Tobago, a mix of Costus scaber juice and crushed Renealmia alpinia berries is used to treat dogs bitten by snakes.

Saussurea costus, commonly known as costus or kuth, is a species of thistle in the genus Saussurea native to South Asia. Essential oils extracted from the root is used in traditional medicine and in perfumes since ancient times.

It has a large number of names in other languages, including kustha in Sanskrit; kust or qust .It is usually found at elevations of 2,500 to 3,000 m (8,202.1 to 9,842.5 ft) asl in South Asia; including the Himalayas, Kashmir, Jammu, Western Ghats, and the Kishenganga Valley.

Root Properties
The root of  costus is a bitter tasting herb.

The root of Saussurea costus has been used as an incense and perfume ingredient for thousands of years and is mentioned in rabbinical writings as kosht. The plant pacifies vitiated kapha and pitta in the body. It is reported to show antifertility, anti-inflammatory, astringent, aphrodisiac, purgative, anthelmintic, depurative, febrifuge, expectorant and antispasmodic properties. The rhizomes are effective in the treatment of burning sensation, constipation and intestinal worms. It is also useful for the treatment of skin diseases, fever, and bronchitis. In addition to that the plant shows effective results in case of leprosy, fever, inflammations and anemia.

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