Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Asparagus racemosus wild

Asparagus racemosus wild
Image result for Asparagus racemosus willdAsparagus racemosus wild (Shatwar, Kurilo) is a species of asparagus common throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas. It grows one to two meters tall and prefers to take root in gravelly, rocky soils high up in Piedmont plains, at 1,300–1,400 meters elevation. It was botanically described in 1799.Because of its multiple uses, the demand for Asparagus racemosus is constantly on the rise. Because of destructive harvesting, combined with habitat destruction, and deforestation, the plant is now considered "endangered" in its natural habitat.
Scientific classification:
A. racemosus
1.  Asparagus stalks are commonly eaten as vegetables
2.      It is traditionally used as a reproductive tonic for the female reproductive system..
3.      It helps in moisturizing support of the respiratory tract.
4.      Shatavari is the primary uterine tonic in Ayurveda.
5.      Shatavari also promotes a healthy inflammatory response in the intestines.
6.      Shatavari is also especially useful in nourishing and calming the nerves, nourishing the brain and helping to support the brain and the body in regaining balance from various disorders like spasms, pain, and insomnia.
  1. Cures disorders like Diarrhea, Bronchitis, Diabities, Dementia, and Anxiety.
  2. During pregnancy it reduces Morning Sickness.
  3. It aids in healthy digestion and cures indigestion.
Side effects
It may cause Eczema or skin rashes because of Asparagus detoxification effect and it will disappear in few minutes. Do not take in case of Kidney diseases as it can cause various illnesses.
I got to know that this herb is both useful and harmful as well by doing this project. I would like to thank Mr. Amit Sijapati for providing me a chance to do this project

-Nasna Bajracrya J

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